Monday, July 23, 2012

Change Your Android phone fonts

Font Changer
Do you want to change your android smartphone default font ?
Just try this tool, let me introduce you FONT CHANGER, a utility that allows you to modified or change default fonts.

Requirements :
1. Android 2.xx up

2. Root Access
    If your phone not rooted this tool won't running  up well, for froyo you can use z4root and for Gingerbread you can use unlockroot.

 3. Prepare some TTF ( True Type Fonts ).

     You can search over the internet for it, or you can try to install from your PC fonts.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Keyboard for Cross A1 Tabmate Android Smartphone

Do you want to change Cross A1 Tabmate keyboard default layout ???? it's feel too small for my fingers, but now everything so easy and much more fun after install this cool keyboard app.
 Look at my screenshot below, it's the default keyboard layout not good for me

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Faster boot Cross A1 Tabmate Android Smartphone

In this article i will show you how to change boot animation on  my Cross A1 tabmate , it's very simple my friends, just prepare this tools :
  •  Droid Overclock
 This small tool is very great to do some tweaks like ad blocks, overclock you CPU, delete      market history and many more. You can download it from here :  Droid overclock apk link Then copy it to your sd card then install it, don't forget Droid Overclock need root permissions.
  • Run your Droid Overclock app and you should menu like this :
  • Goes to 'Extras' menu it will show menu like this :

Monday, July 9, 2012

Clean up your android phone cache

The Android device uses cache memory to store instructions that are repeatedly required to run programs, improving overall system speed. The advantage of cache memory is that the CPU does not have to use the boards system bus for data transfer. Whenever data must be passed through the system bus, the data transfer speed slows to the motherboard’s capability. The CPU can process data much faster by avoiding the bottleneck created by the system bus. 
In android if you never clean the cache periodically, the longer the memory capacity will be reduced as a result smartphone performance to be slow. So what should we do ???

Install 1-Tap Clean Cache  
This small size app is very helpfull, Clear cache, search histories, calls log and defaults1-Tap to clean all cache, search histories and calls log. A default cleaner is also included. Usage is also very easy, automatically searches the cache of every application that we install then just press button "Clean All Cache"

Saturday, July 7, 2012

USB Driver for Cross A1 Tabmate Android Smartphone

Android Developer site defines Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command line tool that lets you communicate with an emulator instance or connected Android-powered device.

For Cross A1 user like mine, before finding this driver file, I can only use USB mode when cable connected to my PC. 

Well all the gadgets from China-based chip MTK 65xx driver will need a file that can be downloaded from here: Android Debug Bridge for MTK65xx
The reason i write this article because from their site they does not include cd driver, just charger, cable data and manual book

 Installation Guide :
  1. Unzip file to any drive you want, then extract it. Connect your Cross A1 cable to PC, let your windows detect your device, windows ask for the required driver files, navigate to the folder where you extract the driver file.
If done, open your device manager, it looks windows known your Cross A1 as android Phone.

Don't forget try Android Commander if you're no understand adb commands from a command line. Take a look from picture what it's look like :

This is nice tool, you can copy file easily, remote your device too

Cross Mobilephone A1 Tabmate Review

Cross A1 classified as a smartphone at an affordable price. In this article I will share personal experiences in the use of this smartphone. Cross A1 MTK6516 based chipset manufactured by a company from China called Mediatek Inc. The advantages of this MTK series is support for dual GSM simcard. For more information check their site Cross Mobile Phone

So what should you optimize :
  1. Root
    By root on your smartphone, all to be easy and we can control. Because it is still based on Android 2.2 Froyo I prefer to use version 1.3.0 Z4ROOT.Please remember, before copying the apk file to your sd card , turn off the antivirus because z4root regarded as a worm / virus,Then install z4root, wait for while until you see menu options say “ Temporary Root and Permanent Root”. Just press Permanent Root, wait until it’s finished, and now you get your A1 fully rooted.

    Link for Z4root : Download Here
  2. Install App2SD
    App2sd is very usefull to be applied on your A1, because only equipped with 256Mb ROM, if you install too many applications would not be enough.
  3. Use SD Card Class 10
    By using the SD Card Class 10 will help the process of opening a file pictures / movies / music I recommend to use the brand like transcends/sandisks.
  4. Install Advance Task Killer
    With this application to shut down running applications will be very easy, so we'll save the memory consumption.
  5. LINE and Whatsapp
    If you like to send a message other than SMS, can use the LINE from naver and WhatsApp. With both of these applications, send messages would be more fun.

    Android requires internet data access, on a smartphone today without the support of the Internet is something futile. To subscribe to the unlimited internet package is the best choice. With the internet, you can sync android email, contacts very easily

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